Legal notices
Publisher information
Name : 4fclothing
Headquarters : 01 lot Roger Lignères Matouba 97120 Saint-Claude, Guadeloupe
Trademark registered and copyrighted on MAY 4, 2015 at the National Industrial Property Institute (INPI)
National number : 15 4 180 861
Phone number : +33(0) 640 397 338
E-mail :
Intellectual Property
The contents on the 4fclothing site are protected by copyright. Any reproduction is therefore subject to the agreement of the author in accordance with Article L. 122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code. Any text from external sources ( blog articles and others ) has been reproduced with the implicit or explicit agreement of their respective authors. As such, reference is made to sources and their respectives copyright holders on the sites.
Reproduction or representation (in whole or in part) of the pages, data and any other element of, by any process or media whatsoever , is prohibited and constitutes, without authorization of the publisher, an infringement.
However, you may download or print pages and / or parts of the 4fclothing site for strictly personal purposes, provided that you do not remove any copyright or other ownership notices. Downloading or otherwise copying information from this website does not confer you any right thereon. You may not reproduce (in whole or in part), transmit (whether electronically or by other means), modify or otherwise use the site for any public or commercial purposes.
Processing of Personal Data
In accordance with Articles 38 and thereafter of amended Act 78-17, you have the right to access, rectify and delete your data personal data. Regarding the right of access: before sending your personal data, we ask that you provide us with proof of your identity. If you are not able to provide proof of your identify, we reserve the right of refuse to send your personal data. We strive to respond to these requests in a timely manner.
The collection of personal data is carried out in order to allow the transmission of additional or personalized information on commercial offers of the 4fclothing brand and / or to allow online registration for games, contests or private sales. The information collected is reserved for the exclusive use of the 4fclothing brand and its providers as part of related procedures.
Hosting is hosted on OVH’s servers.
Domain name :
You can contact us at for any inquiry, or to exercise you right of access.
A phone number is available to answer any of your queries concerning the brand : +33(0) 640 397 338
Protected content : all rights reserved. The reproduction of this website’s content, in whole or in part, is prohibited without the written permission of the author (unless special).
Director of Publication & CEO : Radjih Minatchy
Website Design, Maintenance and Development : Alain Laurent & Stéliann Minatchy